First blog post!

08 Jan 2019

For years now I've talked about starting a blog to improve my writing skills.

Many of my friends have started blogging and really have honed their voice and allowed them to network, and I thought I might do the same. In this blog, I hope to accomplish a wide variety of goals: capture my thoughts on science and non-science, write about projects I work on or papers I read, document interesting tips and tricks I learn during my PhD, and muse about unresolved problems. Writing has always been a way for me to clarify and linearize my scientific thoughts, and I look forward to it elevating other aspects of my life.

As a med student around this time last year, I never expected I would soon be the one to be wheeled in the OR. But I guess life brings surprises when you least expect them. I was just days into my PhD in September when I went to my doc and asked him to take a look at my knee. I’d hurt it playing volleyball the summer before, and it had mostly healed but still felt a little off. He yanked it, wiggled it a little, and asked me “Have you heard of the unhappy triad?” Immediately I knew my worst fears had been confirmed: the combination of ACL tear, MCL sprain, and a meniscus tear. An MRI verified these findings (and suggested more damage to the meniscus than expected), and just like that my 2019 was about to be changed forever.

My surgery day looked like this:

My leg after surgery
In post-op, my leg nicely wrapped up in an ice pack and elevated

The rest of the day I watched Grey’s Anatomy and tried to elevate my leg. There was no pain whatsoever so I was quite comfortable. I’m sure this will change soon, and I will post updates!